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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Zechariah 9:9 THE KING IS COMING Intro: Today is Palm
Sunday. This is the day when
Christian people around the world commemorate the triumphal entry of our
Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ into This
morning I want to preach about this King.
I want to point out three aspects of this King’s coming. Let’s take the time this morning to look at
three special passages of Scripture that talk about the coming of the
King. I want to preach for a while on this
thought: The King Is Coming!
I. Zech. 9:9 THE
This Is A Powerful Prophecy
– “He
is just, and having salvation” - Zechariah writes to tell the people
that the most anticipated event in human history is going to come to pass in That
was the promise of the angel who announced the birth of Jesus to Joseph, Matt. 1:21. That was the pronouncement made by John the
Baptist, John 1:29. And, that was just what Jesus did when He
came to this world. He went to the cross
and did what millions of gallons of animal blood had not been able to do. He paid the entire debt of sin owed by
mankind, Heb. 10:11-14; 9:11-14. B.
This Is A Precise Prophecy
– Zechariah told his readers exactly how they would be able to recognize this
King when He came to them. He would come
to them riding “upon a colt of an ass.”
Daniel, in his book, adds to this prophecy, Dan. 9:24-27. In these verses, God's plan for the nation of 1.
These are weeks of years and not days
- Dan 9:27; Dan. 12:11 2.
This is a 490 year period. 3.
A general chronology is: a.
They will begin with the order to rebuild b.
The next phase covers 69 weeks of years broken down into two portions, v.25b 1.
It took 7 weeks of years, or 49 years to rebuild 2.
From that time, there were 62 weeks of years, or 434 years until Messiah was to
come. If taken literally, these 483
years leading up to the coming of Messiah would equal 173,880 days. Ending on Sunday,
April 6, 32 AD, or the exact day Jesus entered c. After Messiah comes, there are
several prophetic events that will take place: 1.
Messiah will be cut off - The crucifixion! ( 2.
There will be a great war that will engulf 4.
69 weeks, or 483 years of the prophecy have been literally fulfilled, there is
one week, or 7 seven years remaining. What
does all this mean? Jesus, the King came
exactly as the Old Testament had said He would.
He also came at the exact moment that Old Testament had said He
would. He fulfilled this prophecy to the
letter! ( That
would be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. In order to help us comprehend this
staggering probability, Stoner illustrates it by supposing that "we
take 1017 silver dollars and lay them on the face of
Stoner considers 48 prophecies and says, we find the chance that any one
man fulfilled all 48 prophecies to be 1 in 10 to the 157the power, or 1 followed
by 157 zeros!) What does this mean? Jesus is Who He claims to be! C.
This Is A Personal Prophecy
– “thy
King cometh unto thee” – Zechariah tells his readers that this coming
King was coming for individuals. As we
have noted over the last several Sunday morning services, Jesus ministered to
people. The individual was on His heart
and at the very heart of His ministry.
Note such verses as Luke 19:10;
John 3:16, “whosoever”. In the great
parables of Luke 15, Jesus is seen
looking for the sheep, the silver and the son, one on one! He came for you! II.
v. 37 He Came With The Right Authentication – “Mighty
works” – These two words describe the ministry of Jesus to the
letter. From His miraculous conception through
all the great things He did, the life of Jesus was a life of miracles. Of course, this was to be the calling car of
the coming King. Isa. 61:1-2. In the early part of His ministry, Jesus
claimed to be the fulfillment of those verses, Luke 4:16-32. Not only did He
claim to be the Messiah, He proved it by healing the sick, casting out devils,
raising the dead, and displaying His authority over nature. Jesus authenticated His claim to be the
Messiah by the miracles He performed. B.
v. 37-38 He Came With The Right Announcements – “began to rejoice and praise God
with a loud voice…” – Not only was the life of Jesus authenticated by
the right works, it was also proven by the right words. His disciples praised Him just as Zechariah
had said they would. The angels that announced His birth proclaimed Him to be
the One, Luke 2:9-11. Even the devils and demonic spirits knew Who
Jesus was while He walked here, Mark
5:6-8. Besides that, Isaiah had said
that the Messiah’s coming would be preceded by the ministry of a “forerunner,”
Isa. 40:3-5. John the Baptist was the fulfillment of this
prophecy, John 1:19-31. All the evidence says that He is Who He
claimed to be! C.
v. 39-40 He Came With The Right Adversaries – As Jesus is entering
the city as the King, His enemies know exactly what is happening! They knew about the words of Daniel and
Zechariah. They knew that Jesus was
presenting Himself that day, in their presence as the King of Israel! However, they had no intention of believing
this Man, and in less than a week, they join with their enemies, the Romans,
and demand His death on a cross! Of
course, the Old Testament prophets said it would be this way, Isa. 53:3; Zech. 13:6. And, it was!
When the King came to His Own people, they refused to receive Him as
their King, John 1:11. ( D.
He Came With The Right
Accomplishment – Isaiah had said that when Messiah came, He would give
His life for His people. Isa. 53:1-12. And, that is exactly what Jesus did. His Own people rejected Him and demanded His
death in the cross. So, He was condemned
to die and He went to (Note: Friends, you can either receive Jesus, or you can
reject Him, but you need to know that He is Who the Bible says He is! It has been proven in more ways than you and
I can imagine. Jesus is the King of
Kings! He is the Savior of men. He is the ONLY way to God, John 14:6!) III.
v. 11a The Promise Of His Appearing – Even before the King went
away, there was the promise of His return.
He said so Himself, John 14:1-3. Paul talked about His coming again, 1 Thes. 4:16-17. His coming should not
catch men off guard since it has been so well announced, but it will, Rev. 1:7. ( B.
v. 11-16 The Promise Of His Authority – The first time He came, He
was indistinguishable from the other men of His time, Isa. 53:1-2. When He came
the first time, He did not have a home or a place to lay His head, Matt. 8:20. When He came the first time, men mocked Him,
rejected Him and put Him to death. But,
when He comes the next time, things are going to be different! You see, He isn’t coming as “the
lowly Nazarene”; He is coming as the King of Kings and Lord of
Lords. This time He isn’t coming to
redeem man, He is coming to rule over men, Rev.
2:27. He will not be mocked this
time, but He will put all of His enemies under His feet. Men will not put Him to death this time, but
with the word of His mouth, He will subdue and destroy the enemies of God! C.
v. 16 The Promise Of His Adjudication – Verse 16 tells that this coming King is the “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS”. He is the ruler of rulers. As a ruler, He will occupy a throne and He
will govern. He will reign in
righteousness, perfection and glory on this earth for 1,000 years, Rev. 20:1-10. At the end of that period, Satan and all of
his followers will be cast into Hell forever!
Then, Rev. 20:11-15 tells us
that this King will sit upon a great white throne and that He will judge the
lost and will condemn each one to the lake of fire forever. Notice Rev.
20:15, “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into
the lake of fire.” I
point that out to say this: This King Who came in peace, love and grace to give
His life on a cross to save lost souls will one day return as a ruling
Monarch. In that day, all those who have
refused His gift of salvation, will be cast into the lake of fire. In other words, the very One Who could be
your Savior today will be your judge on that day! No amount of pleading or praying will change
His mind. The day of grace will have
passed forever and you will be eternally lost.
You will be forever separated from God, from saved loved ones, from
everything of beauty and pleasure. You
will be cast into a place of eternal punishment, eternal death and eternal
horror. Friend,
the best thing you can do today is to come to Jesus Christ and be saved. If you have never been saved, today it the
day when you need to do just that!
Today, He will receive you and He will be your Savior, John 6:37. If you wait and die lost, then the One Who
could have saved you will be the One Who will condemn you! Conc: I have tried to show you today
that Jesus is Who the Bible says that He is!
He is the Son of God. He is the
Lamb of God. He is the only Way to
God. Do you know Him as your personal
Savior? Has there ever been a moment in
your life when you called on Him by faith and were saved from your sins? Here’s
the bottom line. It all comes down to
this: If you died today and stood before God up in Heaven and He looked down
and you and you looked up at Him and He said, “Why should I let you in to My
heaven?” What would you say? Are
you saved? Are you sure? Are you serving? Are you thankful? If you
need Him, He is here for you! You come
if He is calling! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |